Monday, December 28, 2015

An awakening

My journey finds me lost more often than found. Since 2011 I have began to realize just how selfish my journey truly was. Losing everything has a way of re-focusing your true spirit and realigning you with the inner soul we all possess. This embodiment of tangled emotions and scarred egos, along with bruised lives and scattered dreams leaves most of us wondering if life can ever be truth. Though a painful process, I hope in some way this new journey, my soul cleansing, will affect/effect those who encounter me and journey with me in positive, loving, truth centered ways. My story will be boring to some, brilliant to others and life changing to a few, but it will be honest, centered in a great faith I have come to realize has always guided my gypsy soul. Like lightening to my sub-conscious and a seed planted deeply in my soul, a new beautiful creation began to show signs of life, and in that life changing revelation, a grand, epic and amazing re-focus on the true things we are to encounter on our journeys awakened my selfish, jealous pathetic being. True love found me when I lost the love that gave me life on Earth. I truly lost everything, crying on a hill, in a small country town the day I lost the woman I never thought would ever leave me. Mom, I miss you, I love you, and I say my prayers like you taught me to. I promised you I would find the real me one day. I never imagined so much of my life hinged, better yet, would be manifested in my weakest hour. You truly loved me, and in your end you opened my eyes to everything beautiful in the world. I will never be able to explain it, put in any type of beautiful prose or rhyme, but all of your prayers for your baby boy came true as I lied crying on that old red hill. I finally found me, what my soul screams for, I finally realized I am and will always be, Love..... more to come.........